The International Olympic Committee has made a decision on the medal ceremony for the team figure skating event and its one that U.S. fans won’t like.
The IOC has decided not to have a medal ceremony due to the potential PR nightmare that could come with Russia winning gold.
Russia has done well in these Olympics, though there’s also been a lot of controversy surrounding some athletes, including Kamila Valieva.
CAS rules there will be no medal ceremony in the team figure skating event. US skaters wanted one, understandably. IOC didn’t; the last thing it wanted was the PR nightmare of ROC at the top of the podium. Ceremony will happen somehow after Valieva Russian doping investigation.
— Christine Brennan (@cbrennansports) February 19, 2022
This past week, another controversial situation occurred after a Russian Olympic skater had to apologize after giving the bird to the United States after a victory.
Daniil Aldoshkin confirmed to the media that he meant no offense by it, though it still wasn’t good enough of an apology.
The sports world is upset by having no medal ceremony and some even think Russia should be completely banned from the Olympics.
Enough. Ban Russia AND its athletes.
— Phillip (@OKTXARPoke) February 19, 2022
Another hot garbage decision from IOC.
— klia (@klia00) February 19, 2022
Time to actually ban Russia
— michae1saur 🦖 (@michae1saur) February 19, 2022
This is wrong. Just by-pass the ROC being in the ceremony. They can figure out what to do with them later. Fair is fair.
— Randy Gardner (@theRandyGardner) February 19, 2022
— Paul Farhi (@farhip) February 19, 2022
This sucks. The team event is so fun and the Japanese and American skaters are robbed of such an incredible moment. I know they’ll eventually get them but they deserve the full olympic medalist experience.
— Katie (@katiepoole912) February 19, 2022
The United States and Japan will have to wait until after the closing ceremony to get their medals. The U.S. finished with silver while Japan got the Bronze.
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